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Idol G.Na and FT Island's Choi Jong Hun on their first date on the Romantic and Idol Season 2 |
We're winding down on the 2nd season of what is turning out to be an very, very, interesting season 2.
When the show opens, a quick rundown of how the couples were paired up for the song shuffle is shown. Then we come back to N's choice for the song shuffle, Jiwon or Eunyoung. And since N hasn't really had the chance to talk to her, and perhaps he is hinting his feelings, he chooses Jiwon over Eunyoung. Poor Eunyoung is left alone. And she begins to cry. She's smiling and still stomping her feet, jumping around and pointing, at least.
Cut to the awkward pairs of Minhyuk/Yewon and Jonghun/G.Na. As they cruise at a stone wall overlooking the ocean, they contemplate what they would like to do next. After a bit more awkwardness, the two pairs part ways to go on their moonlight dates. (without any staff!)
When asked how they were feeling the day before the selection, Minhyuk responded that it was "strange" which Yewon translated to mean that he felt "unsure".
As they ride off to their destination, Minhyuk casually asks how Yewon's date with Jonghun went. She responds that it went "ok" they just walked through the forest. Minhyuk offers that his date went well. It was fun riding carts. After hearing this, Yewon doesn't look so good. (Meaning she looked slightly upset.) Minhyuk tried to make light conversation and asked Yewon what she wanted to eat, but it wasn't working. She was very quiet.
Soon after, they arrive at the cafe they will be having their date at, which coincidentally happens to be the same cafe that Jonghun and G.Na had their date at the day before. They both sit down at a table and discuss their day together. Minhyuk was curious to know if Yewon had fun on her date, especially because "it wasn't me"? Yewon looks a little surprised at that and tells him he shouldn't say stuff like that and admits she doesn't really know what he's thinking of or his feelings. The conversation takes on a more serious tone as Yewon truthfully says that she came on the show to be "real". Go on the dates, experience dating with a sincere heart. She slightly admonishes Minhyuk that he should be doing the same and not thing about what other people may think. After all, they are normal people. Yewon later asks him what if he were to meet a woman who was in her 30's and cute? And Minhyuk jokingly threw back "why, are you worried?" making Yewon smile. He tells her, "then she's just cute", to which Yewon throws back at him, "I'm not JUST cute." Rowr...nope, she's saying she's got brains too Minhyuk! (I think I understood this correctly. Correct me if I am wrong, the subtitles were a little off at this point.) Yewon was curious at how he viewed himself and asked him if he thought he was cute? Hmm, well dear...he keeps on checking his hair every 2 minutes in the camera. What do you think? And of course, to no surprise, he admits that he thinks that he's very cute. LOL!
Oh these two...fate has thrown them together again. You really gotta wonder how cruel fate can be. It's obvious that G.Na is uncomfortable knowing that Jonghun wanted to be with Yewon. And it must've been torture for Jonghun at not being with Yewon, yet confusing because he has started to see G.Na in a different light.
They spent their date at a restaurant where they have decided to have what looks like dinner. And what's for dinner? It looks like it's shabu shabu or hot pot! I was really interested in their date because it seemed like Jonghun was very confused at the end of the last episode.
Despite the fact that Jonghun started to eat first (a no no in most cultures, and come on, he only ate some rice I think) he stops as soon as the food seems to be cooked and begins to serve his noona, G.Na. He even cut up meat and octopus and kept on putting more and more food on her plate making sure she has a good dinner. To me, this is romantic. He looked every attentive with her, which she may or may not have noticed. Jonghun gets a little weird on their date by showing his "snake". Now, I didn't see any, so I think the translation was just a little funky. But he does try to make some funny faces using the steam from the teapot which G.Na finds odd, but it brings a smile to her face.
In a surprising turn of events, N has picked Jiwon for their night date. They had their date at a fancy restaurant where one eats steak in a sort of demi glace sauce. Here N answers Jiwon's question of what his most memorable experience on Jeju had been. He answers truthfully that it was at the carts when he got to know her a little better. He began to realize that he was happy with her. And that's pretty much how the conversation went because they turn off their camera to have a private conversation. (Argh! Seriously, could they even do that?)
Kevin/Eunyoung (the leftovers, sorry, I know that was mean.)
As they mulled over coffee (Kevin with his hot and Eunyoung with her iced), Eunyoung fears that N would turn to Jiwon instead of her. But Kevin tried to be optimistic but reminding her that Jiwon could still turn to Minhyuk instead, which didn't seem as reassuring. Honestly, that would leave N in limbo and I don't know if Eunyoung felt comfortable with that.
Then....the mission comes in. A moonlight piggy back ride!
The couples are respond with surprise and aghast, the women especially. What was really funny was G.Na's reaction.
She didn't want to see the mission video in fear that she would get indigestion. Yup, she was uncomfortable! Jonghun lets her know that it's a piggy back ride and she was all "oh my god, no way!" She tells him that, she tells the producers that. She tells the camera that she did the forehead mission so she will do the carrying. Um...yeah, right. She questions Jonghun whether or not he can even lift her. She says that she's so heavy that she will break him in half. Jonghun assures her, and tells her to trust him. She fires back that she's heavy and that he doesn't look like he works out. Oh hell no...the look that Jonghun gives her was a "are you seriously kidding me? Did you not see my arms?" kind of look. Of course he works out! He's been doing that nonstop since last year! LOL. Well, she wouldn't know that or course, she's not a huge fan, but all the Pri's out there know very well he loves to work out. But, it was ON! Jonghun takes her to a batting cage and has her film him doing all of these strength games like a punching game and whack a mole just to show that he is more than strong enough to carry her. Jonghun can carry me if he wants too! Lol. In the end, G.Na is hesitant, but gets on for the ride. All right!
Jiwon gets piggy backed by N, who seems to be really comfortable carrying her. He made it look so easy as he walked with her through a Christmas lit path in a park.
Yewon is piggy backed by Minhyuk, who out of the three, is the only one that seemed to struggle. I dunno if it was because Yewon kept slipping off, or...yeah...But anyways, he was definitely huffing and puffing at the end. =P
Going on to midnight the idols sit down for individual interviews and are asked if they have decided who they will select. Minhyuk admits that he is indecisive between Yewon and Jiwon.
Midnight comes and it is time for the confession room! Each person picks the person that they would like to confess to, apologize to, or confirm feelings with.They are given 3 minutes and the only rule is that they have to be completely honest with each other.
Up first is Minhyuk and he chooses Jiwon. She's shy and happy that he picked her. (Man the look on Yewon's face was sour!)
He's curious as to why she picked him at the mid-selection. She says that she was deliberating between two people that she crushes on. But one felt more like a younger brother (N) while he looked more like her ideal type. However, he still made her uncomfortable. To this, making it even more uncomfortable, Jiwon admits to him that he was her first choice at mid-selection, but she hadn't spent that much time with him yet. Oh snap! Yewon better watch out! And before they knew it, the 3 minutes were up.
Next was Kevin, and he also wants to say something to Jiwon so she goes back to the confession room. He was completely honest in saying that during the little time they spent together, he enjoyed her company, and he was happy with her. Oh Jiwon, another one? She doesn't say it then and there, but in an interview before midnight she confesses that she is still deciding between N and Minhyuk.
N volunteers to go next and, as Eunyoung looks on with expectant nervousness, he surprises everyone by picking "G.Na noona". Well alrighty then!
They head into the room and N straightaway tells her the reason why he brought her in there...to find out more about what type of woman Jiwon is. G.Na squeals in excitement and happiness! She was so cute here. And tucks her knees under her begins to dish. She tells him that Jiwon is not a routine person. She can be one way one day and another way the next. Kinda implying that she goes by her feelings. You can never tell if she will go or stay. N is grateful for the insight.
The first girl goes next, and it is Jiwon, who picks Minhyuk to talk to in the room. She wonders how he's feeling and if his feelings had changed. He admits that he's still confused. He had actually wanted to re-film his mid-selection video, but didn't. Not that he didn't want to, but there didn't seem the time to and he was still confused. He admits being attracted to her and that he did like Yewon more initially, but after talking with her that day, he is even more confused than ever. He is awkward around her, but not in a bad way, he kind of liked it.
In the end, Minhyuk will just follow his heart.
(The episode cuts to their free date where they finally got to spend time together.)
G.Na is next for the girls and she picks Jonghun of course. What followed was a very one-sided conversation with G.Na doing all of the talking. Jonghun couldn't even get a word in edge wise. She lets him know that she didn't feel very happy at mid-selections. But she believed that he was mature and sincere and so that's why she stuck with him till the end. She thought that in these situations feelings may change, and although she wasn't sure of his feelings, she wanted to let him know how she felt. (She was so nervous everything just came out in a big jumble.)
Unknown to her though, in his confession earlier with the PD's, Jonghun confessed that he was now torn between Yewon and G.Na. Whoa...
But Jonghun ends up speaking with Yewon in the confession room, and not G.Na. What followed is what I thought was the most frustrating because instead of confessing to her, he unloads all of his frustrations and regrets on her not sticking around long enough to hear his song during the song shuffle. He rants that he played the song twice while they were in the car coming back from their date in the forest and he was hoping she would hear it, remember it was him and come out for him. Poor Yewon, she didn't even know. But that doesn't stop Jonghun because he says he had the whole date planned out for them where they would go and play games. Yewon asks him if he's worried and he honestly says "of course I'm worried...I'm only human." Pure and simple like that.
Yewon on the other hand doesn't want to speak to Jonghun when her turn comes and chose to speak with Minhyuk. She lets him know what's on her mind, and basically wants to know if his heart has changed. Minhyuk admits he is deliberating between two. And she lets him know that there were some things that he has done that she hasn't been too fond of. (At this point, it sounds almost like they are going out and she's being a bit possesive.) She's not happy that his heart had changed, but she's understanding and it looks like his confession has helped her make up her mind.
And the final confession goes to Eunyoung. She brings N into the room to apologize for the way she's been acting. Hey, it's all good in the hood sweetie. N doesn't mind. She didn't look like she did any wrong, she was just being honest. But that doesn't stop her from being sorry.
So..that's the end of episode 5! Pretty much.
I am probably just as confused as everyone else as to who will end up with whom. But I will make my predictions.
Jonghun will pick G.Na, N, Minhyuk and Kevin will pick Jiwon, and Eunyoung and Yewon will be left standing alone.
I may be wrong, but we'll see real soon! New episode is coming up! Enjoy!