
Friday, July 20, 2012

Need Peace

Sorry, I felt the need to express some thoughts I had after this morning. I woke up to find out a shooting had occurred at a midnight showing of The Dark Knight in Aurora, Colorado. A young man had taken a rifle and started firing at people in a movie theater.

I am a little freaked by this... For one, I have friends that live in that little, quiet town. I was checking with all of my friends and trying to call around to make sure they were ok. And that their friends were ok. I guess we were all blowing up their phones so they finally messaged everyone on Facebook that they weren't there and they were all safe.

Secondly, it's another seemingly senseless killing. What is this world coming to nowadays? Initial reports from the police are saying that the young man is "deranged". They are still trying to figure out what set him off.

Right now, all I'm thinking is what could have made this man do what he did? Were there any signs? Could any one have helped him so he wouldn't have gone this far? Are we really all that absorbed in our own lives that we can't see what's happening in other people's lives?

I think events like this should make us more aware of things that are going on with our friends and families. If we know of someone who is feeling down, cheer them up! If someone is going through an especially rough time, show them your support. And if anyone needs help, help that person for goodness sakes!

There's so much violence everywhere, we should show some love to everyone around us. Whether they be near, in our respective hometowns, or far. Filipinos, Koreans, Japanese, Americans, Chinese, Germans, French, etc...Let's show love and support each other!

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