I came across this term within the past couple of days after reading a tweet from Korean actor Jang Geun Suk. He was warning these sasaengs (obsessive stalkers)to not interfere into his private life. And apparently, this wasn't the first time he was warning them.
One would think that after the first time, these fans would stop, relax and respect his wishes. In this case, they didn't. Perhaps some thought he wasn't talking to all of them??
In another instance, Super Junior's Heechul had been followed to work and home by these crazed fans. It had gotten so bad that he became very upset and closed his twitter account, @heedictator, and vowed he would spend the next year of his time in the military without tweeting.
This may not seem like anything for some, but if you absolutely adore an idol, to be cut off any form of communication from your idol is equivalent to never seeing them again.
I ask you, for what? A chance to take a whiff of his shirt? To perhaps touch their hair? Perhaps the odd chance they will fall in love with you?
Give me a break! Reign in your hormones! It's not worth the embarrassment or getting hauled off to jail for.
I mean seriously, how would you like it if the tables were turned? Would you want to not be able to walk to your car for fear of someone mugging you?
Give these idols a break! Sasaengs not only spoil the chance of keeping in touch with their idols, but they spoil it for everyone else as well.
I wish they would just stop it. And if any idol is reading this, remember the world is not full of sasaengs and that there are fans who truly want you to be happy.
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