
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Buzz Korea on Facebook

If you're a Facebooker and you love Korea, and it's culture and entertainment, the Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) has a page on there that is great for little news, tidbits of information and contests.

I found out about KTO through their website and the Touch Korea campaign (a campaign that features a contest where people can enter to win a trip to Korea by doing all these little activities such as sing a song about Korea or post places you would like to go in hopes of generating further interest in their country). I kinda forgot about it until a friend of mine sent me an e-mail about their Miss Flower Music Tour a couple of weeks back. Then I noticed they have a Facebook page and went to "like" their page.

If you're looking for an extra dose of Korea in your life and if you want to hear about new contests first, I highly recommend you signing up for Facebook and finding "Buzz Korea" and "like" their page.

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